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VISION: Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
Engage Your Full Existence (Spiritual to Carnal)
Power Your Entire Life with a Vision
Be the Change you are Looking for
Foster the Lifecycle of Teams and Change
Patterns of Threats or the Forces of Fear
Excellence, Leadership and the Business Model
The Framework for Operating Your Life
Understand Your Carnal and Spiritual Modes
Let “God Is Love” Direct Your Life
Balancing Your Daily Walk in Life
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
Your Life Plan for SUCCESS
There have been several approaches to developing a Personal Life Plan or Charter which basically presents a framework of questions for you to answer without providing a strategy to live and achieve your life goals. Today’s social and business environments are increasingly demanding personal leadership skills and strategies to enforce initiative and self control in response to life’s challenges. However, Self Control concerns the development of a proactive, preemptive and preventative solution approach to cease opportunities and reduce threats.
A Traditional Life Plan often focuses on answering the following questions:
o Do you have a sponsor or mentor to guide your development?
o What is your five to ten year Vision and Philosophy about Life?
o What is your mission or primary goal and its impact on your vision?
o What are your core principles, morals and values?
o What motivates you into leadership, to win and avoid losing?
o What are your competencies, strengths, weaknesses and development plan?
o Are your immediate and short term goals woven into your growth path?
o How do your goals relate to other team members and stakeholders?
o How will you evaluate progress and successes with your mentor?
o What is your method of keeping your promises and commitments?
o How do you address unproductive time and behavior?
o How do you celebrate goal achievements, successes and failures?
Traditional approaches often require that you define your life goals and articulate the steps you will take to get there. That is, how you will commission your resources and internal competencies, strengths and weaknesses towards your goals. However, rather than focusing on a particular goal this article focuses on your root context from which all other goals become feasible and successful. Rather than focusing on the myth of “strengths” and “weaknesses” this article unfolds the method of overcoming challenges across all the areas of life and a secure transportation for realizing your goals. This article focuses on your entire life and not a part.
To focus on your life as a whole requires mentally detaching from carnal nature to look on your entire life somewhat like an out of body experience, hence the term an encompassing or Spiritual Vision. Yes we all have a Spiritual being! Actually prayer, fasting and meditation are great Spiritual channels to detach from fear and Carnal understanding and unleash God’s Kingdom of Love Provisions for your entire life. Like children at play, all things happen for “good” for those who serve the Lord, so remove bad words and fear from your vocabulary. Do not attach negative meaning or emotions to your memories of life. Even when children get hurt they forgive, forget and return to play with passion, resilience and without baggage.
The Spirit of Perfect Love (God) casts out the Spirit of Fear (Devil) and deemphasizes carnal nature including “knowledge is power”, emotions, deeds of the flesh and material possessions.
“Without a vision the people perish”. You have no control over your choices, habits and addictions which are like symptoms resulting from your root context and experiences. Yes! You can only control your root context and set the rules for what kind of environments and experiences you must have and must avoid or resist. Reduce trying to perfect your ways and actions by reading books. ”Balancing” requires hands on experiences where learning is enabled through symbols, pictures, images and stories. Your experiences enforce the building of proof-rule images like sensory alerts for “balancing” your Spiritual walk or life Vision. Proof-rules determine how you will commission your goals, resources, imagination, memory, thoughts, actions, choices and habits to accomplish your life Vision.
You will predominantly replay the cycle of images from your past even when you consider them wrong. Example, if you saw your parents boxing then you will also box or expect to be boxed by your partner to satisfy your legacy of “good reasons” on ways of resolving conflicts. That is, until your brain has acquired new proof-rules and righteous good reasons to act from. So deliberately watch righteous movies and do some voluntary work with unfortunate persons.
The pursuit of a Vision calls for intelligence in the art of cohesively addressing issues across all areas of life, otherwise known as Multitasking. It is pointless to address a particular area without an encompassing view of its impact across all the areas of Life. Like an out of body experience, the art of Multitasking requires detaching from any particular functional area in order to have an encompassing vision of your whole life. Multitasking seeks to maintain “integrity” across all areas of life and concerns the dynamism, collaboration, correlation and optimization of activities. This aims to promote efficiency and reduce bottlenecks, delays and breakdowns which often stems from a presence of fear, laziness, pretence, procrastination, worrying, complaining and doubt. However, a little meditation and prayer can be a wonderful tool to detach yourself from these joyless situations and maintain sanity though communion with God. Like a computer, to effectively manage and evaluate the scheduling of multiple activities you should progressively consider the following as part of your “balancing”:
o Ensure Multi-tasking gets adequate time and resources
o Ensure adequate resources and proper completion of your activities
o Keep joyful, energized, fully utilized and reduce your idle or down time
o Minimize the time you take to respond and report on activities
o Maximize the number of productive activities done each day
o Preemptively pause and time-share activities to maintain visible progress
o Plan or estimate the time in which each activity should be done
o Group activities by: priority levels, pre/post-requisites, interaction levels, service times
o Setup execution options: stand-alone, dependent, dedicated, parallel, recurring or once
o Distribute overloaded activities among competent team members
Be “transformed” and become the Change that you want to see. Life demands your participation not your observation. Like Love is the fulfilled “action” not the preceding thoughtful observation of someone in need. You cannot control life’s challenges but surely you can control how you respond. There is no hopeless situation. A situation is rendered hopeless stemming from the pretence that “power” should ride on the back of a jungle lion to implement change. Your transformation to a context of Agape Love calls into being Spiritual Intelligence on the wheels of Purpose with inflamed joy, passion and excellence. Now all things happen for “good”, hence hopelessness results from Purposelessness or a lack of commitment to being “transformed” and live the Change that you want to see.
The lifecycle of Purpose emulates the act of “balancing” and is characterized by stages of forming, storming, norming, performing (or conforming) and adjourning (or transforming). Purpose enforces a progressive movement toward a goal though an environment that allows feedback, evaluation and calibration. Purpose ensures the emergence of a goal through a conflicts resolution philosophy of unwavering commitment to Love and an unyielding resistance to fear and self-centeredness. Purpose embraces dynamism through an evolutionary cycle of:
o Initiation, trial and variation of actions towards the goal
o observation and analysis of resulting artifacts
o meaningful communication with stakeholders
o validation of information by stakeholders
o optimization and abstraction of “intelligence”
o and feedback to promote a proactive, preemptive and preventative solution approach
Your human lifecycle pattern of birth, growth, maturity and fulfillment is copied across all the areas of life and is woven into every project, aspiration or goal. Your entire life evolves through a process of communion with stakeholders including God and your Neighbors. Every project or goal should ultimately be targeted at empowering and celebrating Love among the community of stakeholders as opposed to entertaining carnal nature, fear and self-centeredness.
The following represents the stages of the Lifecycle of Teams and Change:
Forming (Birth)
o Define goal with measurable constraints, resources requirements and basic stakeholder roles and responsibilities. Establish a possible process structure or roadmap of routes to travel with sensory alerts to make adjustments where needed. Communicate with stakeholders to apply faith in embracing the lifecycle pattern of forming, storming, norming, performing (or conforming) and adjourning (or transforming).
Storming (Growth)
o Progressively abstract proof-rules and “intelligence” through stakeholder experiences, testimonies and brainstorming sessions. Use “intelligence” deducted to enforce a proactive, preemptive and preventative solution approach to challenges. Communicate goal progress among stakeholders and refine process structure and operational policy guidelines. Resolve conflicts of fear intrusion, commitment breakdown and the progressive transition of stakeholder roles and responsibilities through the various stages of goal attainment.
Norming (Maturity)
o Maturity in stakeholder bonding and team support through the repetitive process or stages of forming, storming and norming. Repetition promotes persuasion and confidence.
Conforming or Performing (Fulfillment)
o Celebrate conforming and high performance. At this stage of fulfillment you should prepare for transition, collaboration and integration with other goal lifecycles.
Transforming or Adjourning (Transition)
o Celebrate goal achievement and transition to the next goal lifecycle.
Humans do not have strengths and weaknesses. You are either obedient or disobedient. Although the storming and norming stages of the “Lifecycle of Team and Change” are often misinterpreted as trials or weaknesses; likewise the performing stage often seen as strengths. The circumstances of life will continuously present opportunities of Love or threats of Fear to influence your thoughts and actions. You can only control your response to unwavering actions of Love and unyielding resistance to Fear. The Strength Weakness Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Quadrant Chart below demonstrates a possible strategy or response to remain in Love.
The Devil starts with fairytale or meaningless “play” of fear and devious activities. Seductive “Repetition” is then used to increasingly build your persuasion, confidence and addiction. This tactics of snake-like “Repetition” grows to implement your CHOICE to explore Fear, Deception and Unrighteousness, against the warning “pricks” from your Conscience of Love. Through the habitual addictions of the flesh you lose control with the delusion that you are in control via the myth of “Good Reasons”. The Devil uses “good reasons” to convince you that you will not surely die physically by “knowing” something and you will have the prize of being your own “god”. So you can manage on your own via your physical or instinctual survival mechanisms. Here you place emphasis on the “physical” or carnal intelligence above “spiritual” intelligence in navigating your life. However this strategy is contrary to how you are “Designed” to operate. All your “physical” activities should be “governed” via your “spiritual” intelligence capacity.
The Devil wants his Seductive conversations with you to remain a SECRET and not be revealed to God via your “spiritual” intelligence. While he scouts around your mind to find your vulnerabilities or weakest points. Like the pattern often seen in relationships and families, the Devil pretends to be weak against your resistance or strength but remains seductive, relentless and strong willed. However the moment you lose heart and not stand your ground the Devil launches with fierceness to captivate you like a lion taking a prey. Your movements then become increasingly constricted by the slithering twirls of his snake, ultimately to the death.
For example, “Repetitively” looking at porn images or listening to sexual tones from advertisements, movies or other mediums is an indication that you need to SWOT your Moves. “Repetitively” seeking emotional pleasures and delights in food, clothes, money, work or other forms of carnal nature or deeds of the flesh is an indication that you need to SWOT your Moves.
For further information lookup the topic “Discernment of Spirits” which represents the interpretations of what St. Ignatius of Loyola called “motions of the soul”. Like movements of thoughts, imaginations, emotions, inclinations, desires, feelings, repulsions, and attractions.
Be the best with one skill at least to gather “intelligence” on the process of excellence. Capture and transfer this formula of excellence across your entire life. Jesus was an excellent carpenter. Remember that leadership is about being the shepherd-servant caring for the sheep and not the big-master of slaves. Avoid being contaminated by self-centeredness, pride and superiority that is induced by your fans. Avoid promoting inferiority, envy or jealousy among your fans.
Business is often the entity used for the distribution of products, goods and services in society. However the Laws that govern the operation of business organizations do not embrace the shepherd-servant to sheep model of leadership but rather the big-master to slave model, so avoid contamination. Business seeks to win, make profits and fire losers. Like “50-50 Love”, business runs by a principle of the survival of the fittest at the sacrifice of the weak and fallen, to benefit our fabricated satisfaction and greed as a deception for our wellbeing. Though we are cultured to use business, even to distribute the Gospel like a product, the responsible strategy is to avoid contamination of competitive rivalry, self-centeredness, fear, survivalism and materialism.
Purposefully become a member of the “Love Volunteers” and personally work, give and share your “Heart”. Like soldiers at war, the strong protect and care for the weak and the fallen.
Spiritual Governance focuses on your Root Context and Central Purpose in order to define your experiences and multitasking support mechanisms required to attain your life’s Vision.
Each of us has two inbuilt modes of living our lives namely the Carnal “Self” mode and the Spiritual “Righteous” mode (or the “Jesus” mode). Both modes are always present throughout our human lifecycle and if managed according to how they are “Designed” to work will increasingly promote a fulfilled Life of Real Joy. However, if they are mismanaged then they will promote a self destructive Life of worrying, complaining, suffering, sorrow and joylessness ultimately triggering the premature death of our human body.
The Carnal “Self” mode is driven by the Fear of Survival which is always pursuing a strategy to “extract” Joy from any viable source while deceptively misrepresenting the very “Design” of Joy. This “extraction” strategy is pursued via a tactics of rivalry and elimination which ultimately leads to “Self” destruction. Throughout our lifecycle of birth, growth and maturity this strategy and tactics increasingly become “deceptively” vicious when uncontrolled and are often classified as epistemic and psychological defects. Yes, as expounded in the article “Inflaming the Real JOY”, do not be surprised of what may result when these defects are treated as normal. Hence the need to garner protection via the Law or Moral code. However, we sometimes deceptively use the Laws of the Bible and the Laws of the Land with the myth of “good reasons”, often via the Courts, as a camouflage to “intellectually” simulate sanity. But, in reality, the intellectual manipulation of good thoughts, ideas and best practices have not and cannot tame our persistent beast called the Fear of Survival. A heart of Fear cannot produce the Fruits of Love. This is like using “emotional labor and aesthetics” to intellectually trigger or fake an expression of Love to appease our customers, visitors, family, friends and neighbors. Only to realize that we become “burnt out”, because we live our lives emphasizing the Fear of Survival. Like seeking to “extract” Joy from our relationships via rivalry and elimination ultimately destroys the same relationship while we use deception to pretend like we want to keep the same relationship. Seeking to “extract” Joy from our relationships relates to using Fear to “secure” Joy which is conflicting and impossible but relentlessly pursued across our societies. Actually, by “Design” the only way to secure Joy is to selflessly “bring” Love and not selfishly “extract” via Fear.
The Spiritual “Righteous” or “Jesus” mode is driven by the Love of God which pursues a strategy to “bring” Joy to our relationships and neighbors. As opposed to “extracting”, this strategy of “bringing” Joy is pursued via a tactics of sharing and communion which ultimately leads to team unity and upliftment. This does not dilute the importance of our Carnal “Self” mode which gives us our physical existence on planet earth. Hence the Fear of Survival will not disappear but is fulfilled and resolved through a team effort as God directs our hearts (spirit), mind (thoughts) and soul (physical actions). Love is like an insurance policy in which the risks are spread across all participants. So there is no need to worry or emphasize having any Fear of Survival but to submit and commit to the direction of our Spiritual mode of Love. At some stage of development and consciousness we become aware of our Spiritual mode which is used to assert a meaningful, passionate and “Purpose” driven life. Yes, as opposed to existing merely for the purpose of reacting to the Fear of Survival which eventually becomes hauntingly boring. The Spiritual mode uses Spiritual Intelligence to “rule” over the Instinctual habits and addictions of the Carnal mode. This is necessary to stem the epistemic and psychological defects and the use of deception to pursue Joy contrary to how it is “Designed” by God is Love. However this strategy of “bringing” Love as the presence of God in order to secure Joy is not yet widely practiced in our societies even among religious groups. To effectively manage our lives we have to help each other activate his/her own innate Spiritual Intelligence to rule over the Carnal mode. By this means each of us can pursue and secure Joy by “Design” and selflessly “bring” God is Love to the game of Life. Now the game of Life becomes simple and full of Joy!
So by emphasizing our Carnal “Self” mode, we all have the same potential to increasingly become notorious, wretched and evil when presented with the right circumstances. Like the saying, we all have a purchase price or points of vulnerability and failure. Therefore we cannot act like we are better than anyone else or become destructively critical and judgmental of the deeds of others who live emphasizing the Carnal mode. We must make the “Choice” to submit and commit daily to be directed by our Spiritual mode and “bring” Love to the game of Life. When we “Bring” Love we affirm God’s protection, defense and control in any situation. So this affords us to selflessly help others to “rule” over their Fears and join us in Celebrating Love.
As depicted in the article “Inflaming the Real JOY”, you must give-up the myth of “Many Commandments” in the Bible. There is Only One Great Commandment: In all your ways and with all your strength let “God Is Love” direct your Heart (context and Spirit), Mind (thoughts and imagination) and Soul (powering the human senses, physical actions and habits). So the major question is: How do you listen to “God Is Love” via the Holy Spirit speaking to and directing your Heart, Mind and Soul? Consider the following for communicating with God:
Genesis 22 depicts Abraham being lead by “God Is Love” to sacrifice his precious son Isaac who was born of Sarah at age 90 years and himself at age 100 years. It seems unreasonable and terrible to ask Abraham to kill and offer this beloved miracle child Isaac as a sacrifice to the same God who provided the miracle and child. Abraham could have used the myth of “good reasons” as a camouflage and act in disobedience to God but he did not. He was rewarded the “Father of Nations” for his faith and obedience to “God Is Love” leading his heart, mind and soul. Unlike King David who used the myth of “good reasons” to camouflage his disobedience to God. 2 Samuel 11 depicts that King David eventually killed his own servant Uriah in order to have “legal” freedom to marry Uriah’s wife Bathsheba as a “legally widowed” woman.
In Acts 10 God used an “angel” and a “vision” to experientially speak to Cornelius and Peter. Peter was signaled to the importance of letting “God Is Love” lead his heart, mind and soul even if it meant following or breaking the Laws of Moses or the Customs and Laws of the Land. Cornelius a Gentile was signaled that God was rewarding his prayers and deeds to the poor. The resulting meeting between the so-claimed superior Jews and the inferior Gentiles was a signal that the Holy Spirit abounds for all individuals and is not a respecter of social discrimination.
In Matthew 12:31 Jesus declares that to make false claims, blasphemy or speak against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or in the age to come. So it is an Unpardonable Sin if you falsely or insincerely claim that “God Is Love” is directing your Life via the Holy Spirit.
“Words” are passively stored in the Left-side of the human brain to associate with your “experiences” of images, signs, rituals and stories which are stored in the Right-side of the brain to actively create “understanding” and meaningfully relate to the world. So a child cannot use “words” without having some “experiences” to which these “words” will be attached. However “experiences” do not necessarily require expressions in “words” as in the case of the deaf.
Experientially, God uses the day and night cycle as a ritual or sign to signal us into “understanding” that there is a time to “toil” and a time to “rest”. The weekly Sabbath ritual signals six days to “labor” and one day for “no labor or holy rest”. The rituals of the Laws signal that we are restless and lawless as our own “god”. The birth and death ritual is used to signal one life of “earthly existence” and one “eternal rest”. The Fear and Love ritual signals the scope of man’s “Choice” that though you exist Carnally via the Fear of Survival, Spiritual Love is “Designed” as a place of eternal rest and governance to fulfill and resolve all your Fears.
Genesis 2-3 declares that in the Garden of Love, Adam and Eve automatically had fruits to eat and a clear access to fellowship and commune with God in the cool of the day. Hence the Fear of Survival was fulfilled and resolved by Love. Like us sinners, when they sinned and left the Garden of Love the Fear of Survival was emphasized and the “toil vs. rest” rituals used as signals to communicate to us as restless “gods” that we have a home of refuge and eternal “rest”. Restoring your Faith gives clear access to “communicate” with God in the Garden of Love.
You must make the “Choice” daily to submit and commit your Carnal “Fear” mode or physical existence to be directed by your Spiritual Intelligence. This will allow you to selflessly “Bring” Love to the game of Life and affirm God’s proactive, preventative and preemptive solutions across all the areas of Life. For at least one hour daily use prayer and meditation to allow God to demote Fear and sanitize your prior day’s memory of “experiences” to support creativity and Love. God may use dreams, visions, visitations, testimonies, Bible verses, sermons and your life “experiences” to communicate within the limits of your personal intellect. Now, in the Game of Life your whole life is a “SIGNAL” to others of God’s character, integrity, excellence and Love.
Like learning to “balance” in walking or riding a bicycle you begin this process by really Loving the Lord without leaning on carnal understanding. The Joy of the Lord is the Spiritual Vision to pursue across all the areas of Life. Like kids you must play the “Game of Life” for the Shared Joy of fellowship and communion with God and your Neighbors. You must “Praise the Lord” even in the most challenging times without intimidation whether at work, play, school, church, home and across all the other areas of your life. God IS the Love you share with your neighbors across all the areas of life; so do not wait until Church time to “fake” or expect to have more of God. Let your Commitment drive your “feelings”, emotions and instincts and Not your feelings drive your commitment. You must be a Hypocrite to your “feelings” in order to Be True to your Commitment. Remember that Love, Joy, Faith, Hope and Righteousness are “designed” by God at the Spiritual level and NOT in Carnal Nature. Purposefully build a routine of righteous habits to manage your Spiritual and Physical Health and embrace your Lifecycle of Changes. Your Spiritual Vision of JOY will unleash God’s Kingdom of Love Provisions all across your Life. You must stop “Struggling” to Survive. You must let “intelligence” (e.g. this Life Plan for SUCCESS) combined with Faith, Hope and Love do ALL your “Struggling” for Survivalism while you ENJOY Life with passion, ease and grace.
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of articles concerning The Business of “Life”:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
Governing the
Business of Life
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens