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VISION: Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
Shifting from Servant to Master
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
The Art of Business by Design
The invention called Business has grown to significantly impact various cultures across the world. Humans have been socialized to organize their lives to prioritize a career in business over family. Is there merit in the motive that Love cannot operate on a hungry stomach? Or is it a matter of organizing a life of Faith based Love to embrace the idea of family over business?
There is no hopeless situation. That is, a situation in itself cannot be hopeless. However, our bodies by design have the capability of an imagination which we conveniently misuse to fake and pretend that a situation is hopeless. Why do we imaginatively invent a situation as hopeless? Simply because we can, without regard for the consequences that by design will follow our actions. The motivation or payoff from this mindset of pretence is to disable any further action or hope towards providing a solution. However, the cost is that this doubled-minded pretence will eventually pervade all our ways, without discrimination or consent. Therefore, based on our human design, situations that we really intended to be hopeful about will habitually (somewhat unconsciously) be rendered hopeless by this ‘cry wolf’ mentality. We may not have control over the events of life but spiritually we have ‘self control’ within our conscience to control how we respond to the events of life.
A Business is imaginary as in unreal. By design a Business operates in the same realm or space as Imaginary Money. The legal registration title for a Business is an attempt to trick or appeal to our mind (imagination) to fake it or treat it as real. Someone has chosen to exploit our imagination simply because they can and with the intended consequence of molding and controlling our life towards their self-centered purpose. A Business was invented as an intermediary medium to support the production and distribution of goods or services between people including shareholders, employees, suppliers and customers. The body of laws and systems of knowledge that regulates Business (e.g. the law of Marginal Utility) often focuses on people’s satisfaction and not on people’s well-being. Example, the well-being of a person who is born with a handicap to produce has no place in the realm of a Business or in our societies which are often driven by Imaginary Business. Noticeably, the law of the land requires us to imaginatively pretend that a Business is like a person with legal and social rights. Also, it is easy to observe that Imaginary Business enjoy greater representation, legal and social rights than the average person in our societies. However the fundamental defect or trick is that this Imaginary Business or imaginary person has no heart to consider the well-being of anyone whether shareholder, employee, supplier or customer. Regardless of the original intent of a business it has the potential of being a tool to systematically control our minds and lives by the powerbrokers of our societies.
Our imagination was designed to serve us as a tool for evaluation and innovation. However, we are often socialized to misuse it to pretend and assume that we can disrespect, disregard and modify the intended purpose or design of things in reality without regard for the consequences. So it seems there is no absolute reality or intended design. Everything exists relative to how each person pretends and assumes it to be – what will we think of next? Our school curriculum often requires that students be trained to use their imagination. However, the consequences or side-effects of misusing our imagination need considerable exposure. Imaginary Business was not designed to consider our well-being, yet it is easy to observe that we have imaginatively afforded it greater representation, access and comfort than the average person in our societies. Imaginary Business is often allowed to contaminate our societies and break our laws without going to jail or receiving equal punishment as real persons. Whether it is a matter of improper education or improper use of education, it is obvious that Imaginary Business shapes the chains of power and control in our societies. Imaginary Business often controls the larger portion of Imaginary Money and by extension commands the larger share of control. Imaginary Business was invented to be our servant, but has been so promoted by our imagination to where it has become an imaginary master of our lives in reality.
The Art of running our Imaginary Business by Design requires a mindset in which we understand the intended context, role and design of our inventions and imaginative capacity. Effective management of our Imaginative capacity seems to be one of our blind-spots as humans. A blind-spot is an area where our view is obscured or obstructed often resulting in a biased viewpoint. We often allow ourselves to be schooled or socialized in the realm of being controlled by the Imaginary mechanisms of the powerbrokers of our societies. A blind-spot is not a hopeless situation. By design we automatically rationalize and aspire towards comfort and pleasure, hence blind-spots present an opportunity for us to bond and live by design. This automatic rational towards comfort stems from our intended human design of True (Agape) Love. Whenever we are not comfortable we tend towards becoming sick from stress and lack of Love. So it pays for us to live consistent to how we are designed in True (Agape) Love, as opposed to living in contradiction to Love with the consequences of stress, depression and eventual death. True (Agape) Love is servant-centered as opposed to self-centered. By design True (Agape) Love is more than a word of intent it requires action, therefore where there is no action Love ceases to exist. A blind-spot or any opportunity to be of good service (servant-centered) to another person is welcomed by True (Agape) Love. Love is one gift that is not defined by the political and economics laws of Scarce Benefits and Spoils, or the evolutionist laws of the Survival of the Fittest.
By design True (Agape) Love is one business in which it pays to be an absolute spendthrift, so please give it all away, throw and splash it all over; shake and empty all your pockets; and tomorrow you will automatically have more than ever. Lets us not use our puffed-up laws of Imaginary Business to run our lives contrary to our deliberate design of True Love. There is nothing wrong with Imaginary Business being invented to fulfill our satisfaction rather than our well-being, as we have found other ways to furnish our well-being. Imaginary Business often becomes a challenge when we promote it from servant to master of our lives with the consequences of eroding our well-being and the essence of our life. If we look carefully at this challenge, we will somewhat find the language of self destruction. The Art of Business by Design requires executing business operations in a manner that effectively supports people to live by our intended human design of True Love. So, let us embrace True (Agape) Love in all the facets of our life to effectively support each other including our blind-spots and by extension improve our overall existence.
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of articles concerning The Business of “Life”:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
Governing the
Business of Life
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens