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VISION: Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
Carnal Nature fleshing out “Love”
Animal Love (50-50 Pet Favors)
Eros or Erotica Love (50-50 Sexual Favors)
Phileo Love or Friendly “Chemistry” (50-50 Buddy Favors)
Storge Love or Family Ties (50-50 Family Favors)
“Imaginary Love” (50-50 Dreamer Favors)
Carnal Union or Business Love (50-50 Business Favors)
Vanity or Material Love (50-50 Glamour Favors)
Unleash “Agape” Not Carnal Nature
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
50-50 Favors Masquerading as “Love”
Is your “Love” working Hard or is it Hardly working? Let us check if your relationships are tampered by the myth of exchanging reciprocal or “50-50” favors as opposed being an expression of True (Agape) Love. Inevitably you will get to your crossroads of introspecting “Life”. Why not avoid the catastrophe, worry and disappointment? Rather than letting the “Fear” of failure, default or non-participation ruin your life; why not take control to govern your life with Agape Love? This represents a proactive, preemptive and preventative lifeline solution which aims to transform your “Life” to experience real Joy.
We have been socialized to jumble, redefine and masquerade different forms of instinctual attractions or unions as “Love”. However these attractions or unions are often 50-50 favors or reciprocal contractual arrangements among individuals who sometime fail to honor and fulfill these agreements. Often the various parts of these agreements are not even properly disclosed among participants. Hence someone is usually in breach! Therefore these 50-50 favors or reciprocal arrangements are usually shackled by the “Fear” of failure, default or non-participation and are effectively dissolved when one or more parties fail to perform their role whether known or unknown. Like ignorance of the Law is not a plausible excuse for your failure to act in accordance with the Law or to be served with remedial justice or punishment.
We may run from Agape Love but we cannot hide! Yes, we cannot hide the consequences of emphasizing Carnal Nature and rejecting our innate Spiritual Intelligence capacity. Momentarily we get a glimpse of our unfulfilled Spiritual Intelligence capacity with which we are designed. We are always in search of “something” and unfortunately have misconstrued “God is Love” with several forms of biological, carnal and instinctual “attractions” as discussed below. Consequently trying to substitute the Joy of Spiritual Intelligence with the emotional filling of our “bellies” or the deeds of the flesh.
However, we may imaginatively invent anything “intellectually” contrary to how it is “Designed”, but soon realize it cannot be fulfilled in reality. So, do not expect the world to react to you contrary to how it is “Designed” by God. Like “Love” is not a manipulation of good thoughts without action. “Intellectual” Joy or Love is merely a “play” of words like toys and “fairy tale” which are Not meant for reality. Love is “Designed” to be the presence of God that we bring and selflessly share with others. The more we share in Love, the more we will find in Love to share. Though Love is contagious to the mind, it is not addictive to the flesh. Therefore Love is a commitment and a recurring choice we deliberately make to remain in Love.
Agape Love is a selfless, self-sacrificing, servant-centered commitment for a righteous Purpose. Unlike Agape our misconstrued “instinctual love” or biological ties or emotional attractions are self-centered, parasite-like and dominated by taking, getting or receiving favors. Also our misconstrued “carnal love” is based on an exchange of favors or dollars among participants. However, when these obligations or boundaries are broken then the so-called “50-50 Love” disappears. But in God’s kingdom Jesus continues to Love us regardless of us Loving HIM. HE continues to seek ways to restore our commitment to unwavering Love and unyielding resistance to Fear and Sin, in order for us to avoid the consequences of living contrary to “Design”.
The biological ties and attraction between animals and insects of the same species is often referred to as a form of Love. Unlike humans, animals have no “intelligence” to realize hope, faith or love. God has woven into Mother Nature the capacity for these animals to coexist via biological or instinctual attraction. So, is a dog a man’s best friend? Dogs are attracted to their owner’s biological characteristics or chemistry like smell, sound or looks but not their soul or Spirit. Do not be disappointed when dogs go after their mate to our demise, which demonstrates a greater obedience to the instinctual attractions of the mating season. Love is a Spiritual bond; a fellowship with God and fellow humans, not with dogs or other animals.
Erotic behavior or sexual emotions between humans is often referred to as a form of Love. Like other animal we are designed to mate and procreate with each other. Unlike other animals (e.g. dogs) humans do not have a mating season but become sexual as a matter of choice. We become addicted to sex when there is no self control and our bodies get into the habit of using sex to derive pleasure. The so-called Love stops when there is no sexual emotion or lust! Example, if the Love for your partner diminishes say after childbirth or when the “shine rubs off” or the “grit wears out” or becomes addictive then your Love is not Agape but based on Erotica.
The social attraction or friendly “chemistry” between friends is also considered a form of Love. Phileo works through an invisible 50-50 formula of mutual exchange of favors between friends who are obligated to watch each other’s back. The context of this relationship may be good or evil and terminates when one person inadvertently does not deliver whatever the other party deems as a mutual exchange of favors. Do our friends really Love us? Not if they do not deliver! Example, if the Love for your friends diminishes because they did not back or protect you then your Love is not Agape but based on Phileo.
Like other animals, there is a biological attraction or bond among family members of the same so-called “blood-line” which is commonly considered a form of Love. Storge Love includes attraction between parents and children, full and half brothers (or sisters), and general relatives. It is believed that “Blood is thicker than water”, until it is diluted by water. Family members are automatically expected to take care of and not selfishly exploit each other. However this has not been the reality especially in the case where government has designed Laws against parents who refuse to take care of their children. Do our parents really Love us? Try treating them “bad” against their invisible self-woven expectations based on their selfish “good reasons” of growing us! Some parents consider it failed “investments” when their children’s lives do not turn out as expected. But, Jesus Loves us regardless of how we treat HIM. Example, if the Love for your partner is somewhat “second” place or different from the Love for say your children or parents or relatives, then your Love is not Agape but based on Storge.
We all have an Imaginary World that resides in our head filled with imaginations and memories of past experiences which we use for evaluating our future pursuits. Yes, like a dream we have the power to create Imaginary Love of ourselves and others. Sometimes due to fear, laziness, procrastination and pretence we choose not to let our imaginary “feelings” or intentions become reality. What will we think of next? Imaginary sex! Ever seen a case where someone unrelated and unknown has instant emotions for another person like premeditated or prefabricated imaginations? “Imaginary Love” fades away when reality takes shape because it is breaks the contract of being empty of reality – it is best left as “imaginary”.
Surprisingly people sometimes relate to their contractual arrangements or agreements as Love. This includes members of clubs, churches, societies, institutions, companies and organizations. Like Phileo, Carnal Union works through a contractual 50-50 formula of mutual exchange of items and favors between participants. This form of Love shatters when participants do not deliver. Unfortunately the Law places a husband and wife in this group based on their legal contract of marriage. Do husbands and wives Love each other? Well the Law desperately awaits to make money by pronouncing a divorce! The church considers marriage both a legal and spiritual union. The spiritual union should be represented by Agape Love which is often not explained or practiced.
The rivalry, discontent and segregation between denominations of churches professing one God and Bible surmounts to Carnal Union of members disliking others of different denominations. Example, if your Love diminishes for persons of any other denomination then your Love is not Agape but is based on Carnal Union. We are all God’s beloved children, none better! Regardless of denominational rules, each commit to unwavering Agape Love and unyielding resistance to Sin in the face of life’s challenges, as each share and not exploit God’s encompassing vision and “integrity”. Each committed person is the Church awaiting ascension, each living the Gospel of Transformation to Spiritual Intelligence over worldly structures or Carnal nature. Each a committed disciple exemplifying the Light of Agape Love for visitors and neighbors lost in the darkness of Carnal Nature to find the path for living the Gospel of Christ.
Otherwise called Material Love, Vanity relates to the lust and greed for the possessions of planet earth including money, diamonds, precious metals, land, houses, goods and animals. As expounded in the article called “Enslaved by Imaginary Money”, our temporary life on planet earth does not afford us the facility to bring any possessions at birth, or own anything while alive, or take away anything on departure. Vanity leads to addictions when there is no self control and our bodies get into the habit of using earthly possessions to derive pleasure. Example, if your Love for people diminishes or differs because they threaten or do not measure up in accolades, credibility, “knowledge is power”, adornment, material possessions, class, sex, lingua, money and culture then your Love is not Agape but based on Vanity.
We live in the “consequences” of Sin and addictively treat varying forms of carnal attraction as “Love” as we resist our call to unleash Spiritual Intelligence. The above list is by no means conclusive as we periodically invent new forms of “Love” and retire them as soon as the fad has faded. It is ok to have a 50-50 agreement but do not deceptively masquerade it as Agape Love. These varying misrepresentations of Agape Love have infested our societies with the consequences of failed marriages or relationships, broken families and people living dysfunctional lives. Also, these misrepresentations of Love often “compete” with each other to take center stage with the deception of delivering greater satisfaction or pleasure.
Relationship counselors are giving carnal solutions to resolve these carnal challenges of life. Like the 10 ways to stay in a relationship; or the 10 things to look for in a partner; or the 10 signs of an unfaithful partner. All of which lay the foundation for a 50-50 contractual arrangement which shatters the so-called Love when breached. The Laws of the land gets consumed with resolving family and relationship issues that people, if empowered, would resolve for themselves. Let us unleash our innate Spiritual Intelligence and fulfill our need for Joy by design. Like learning to “balance” in walking or riding a bicycle we begin this process simply by Loving the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind without leaning on our own carnal understanding. Then Love our Neighbors with our Agape powered heart, soul and mind. Love is the presence of God, for God is Love. Let us take a paradigm shift from misrepresenting Carnal Nature to unleash Agape Love and experience the real Joy of God.
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of articles concerning The Business of “Life”:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
Governing the
Business of Life
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens