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VISION: Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
“Purpose” inflames a Culture of Intelligence
Darkness Functioning without “Purpose”
You Deserve “Purpose” by Design
Powering on Wheels of “Purpose”
Unleash “Purpose” Not Consequences
God calls for “Intelligence” Not the Law
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
Loving Joy in PURPOSE
At some point in our lives we all get a sense of consciousness to belong and fellowship with a higher level of meaning or understanding. This point of self assessment or assurance often drives us to ask or answer some of these rather boring questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? Why am I doing what I am doing? These questions of “Purpose” stems from a presence of demotivation, joylessness, discomfort and hopelessness that often drives us through stages of gossiping, complaining, instability, stress, suffering and depression. Gloomy! We are designed for “Purpose” and become mentally confused when areas of our lives are empty of Purpose.
Without “Purpose” we mentally crawl like snails in the slums complaining and rejecting to use the Spiritual power of our minds. So much for “intelligence”! As expounded below “Purpose” powerfully unleashes insatiable experiences of Love, Joy, Passion and Excellence across all the areas of life. We are designed to emphasize living from the power of our minds or the joy of “intelligence” rather than the emotional filling of our “bellies” or instincts like other animals. Sometimes we traditionally culture the minds and habits of our children and ourselves to live grumpy in the slums below the level of other animals. Have you ever seen a complaining snail? No! Then how much more disgraceful can “intelligence” get? To emphasize living from the power of our minds is a matter of “self control”, as in the fruit of the Spirit, which may be enabled through weekly or periodic fasting and prayer. We are designed to walk in the Spirit by emphasizing the joy of “intelligence” and not the attractions of our carnal emotions or deeds of the flesh.
Surprisingly, the idea of the “Purpose” of something structurally provides a kind of framework which supports and drives the idea of its “Function” or uses. Like a bucket structurally supports the carrying of water as one of its use. “Function” operates as a consequence of “Purpose” and together they promote a principle of dualism. Like Spirit and Body! The leaking of water through a hole in the bucket represents a break in the “integrity” of the structural framework provided by Purpose. Like a broken Spirit! The essence of Purpose is embodied in the quote: “where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Purpose is critical, yet invisible! The good thing is: Purpose is a matter of choice. Yes, we have to act on “Purpose”!
Conceptually, “Purpose” is like the master-mind, brains or central processor (CPU) which structurally provides dynamism, intelligence, meaningfulness and relevance of use.
“Purpose” concerns:
o The aim, goal, intent, resolution, determination or relevance about an assignment
o The abstraction, architecture, design, framework or plan that structurally supports an assignment e.g. the design for a building to function or use as a home, church or business
o The invisible context or central philosophy for a person to pursue one or more careers e.g. a doctor, artist or sportsperson
o A higher-level of understanding or Intelligence which structurally supports the development of one or more specific types of knowledge e.g. medicine, music or accounting
o A kind of one-to-many and parent-to-child relationship like one shepherd related to many sheep
Therefore “Purpose” is a powerful form of “intelligence” that promotes:
o The flexibility, adaptability, dynamism and functional potentiality to create, innovate, perform, cross-fertilize and collaborate assignments across the functional areas of life
o A vision to scope the aim or beginning and ending goals of assignments with the capability to measure, scale, modify, evolve and overcome the challenges of life
o Expectancy, foresight, hope, faith, passion, joy and love towards the assignments of life
o Multi-dimensioning: upgrading to a higher Purpose to resolve challenges at a lower level
o The Virtual Resolution of challenges through the successive optimization and collaboration of Purposes often used in “Balancing” say on a bicycle
o Measurability to enforce Self Control as in the Fruit of the Spirit, through prioritization and cardinality counting or volume constraining
o Secured and elegant Transportation from beginning to ending of an assignment
o Freedom of potentiality for any person at any point at the speed that each person takes to make the choice for God’s Purpose
o Providing proactive and preventative solutions for potential challenges, like a bag of solutions readily available to chase future potential challenges
Refer to the section below entitled “God calls for Intelligence Not the Law” for an example of the intelligence and dynamism in “Purpose”.
The genius in “Purpose” calls into being a culture of intelligence that brings fire to act, dynamism to evolve, measurability to ensure balancing and faith to secure the target assignment. It takes a root of Love to choose “Purpose” in the first place. Love is the motivator and glue that binds our steps together and progressively transport us through the process of balancing from beginning to ending of an assignment. Love creates the fellowship to collaborate the optimization of several “Purposes”. We should not complain about the challenges to which we have not assigned a “Purpose” to create the resolution, reward or resulting goal. The art of living our lives with “Purpose” inflames courage and wisdom, and empowers our capacities for creativity, innovation, optimism and fulfillment with joy, excellence, vim, vigor and vitality. The language of Love! It is easy to observe the enthusiasm and empowerment that resonates when our Functions, work or play is driven by “Purpose”. Mindfully, an unrighteous Purpose in which Sin exploits the “integrity” of Love will promote attrition, rejection, disinterest and fear toward an assignment.
Unfortunately, the idea of “Function” is commonly misunderstood and overrated somewhat like a deception. Function by itself has no master-mind, brain or intelligence. “Function” is somewhat blind and is fully dependent on the vision, dynamism and optimism of “Purpose”. Like a Body by itself cannot Function without the life support of the Spirit (or Soul).
By itself “Function” concerns:
o An instance of use, an instance of work, or the instantiation of an assignment
o An artifact, past evidence, a specific measurement or a point of location on a pathway
o A basic or atomic entity that is not divisible, inflexible, one-dimensional, visionless and cannot promote the dynamism, potentiality and optimism of “Purpose”
o An environment that is static, flat, lifeless, cold and without hope, faith, love, passion or joy
Living from a dimension of life where “Function” exists by itself without “Purpose” represents a life in the slums without power, creativity, innovation, optimism and fulfillment. Yes, we effectively resolve our challenges when “Purpose” operates on the root cause and not at the level of “Function” which are like symptoms. We are automatically born into carnal nature with the ability to choose Purpose. It is believed that babies develop survival skills through instincts like other animals without a “sense” of vision, hope, faith or love. But at some point of development and consciousness we hunger to belong and fellowship with our designed Purpose. Consequently we go in search of our designed joy, enthusiasm, empowerment and creativity to overcome the challenges of life. Carnal nature like “Function” is void of this Joy!
The discovery of the “Purpose” of our lives stems from our understanding of the dualism of Purpose and Function. It is easy to observe that humans are different from animals or other species due to our ability to think and act or behave rationally rather than instinctually like other animals. It is this little but significant difference that we humans relate to as having a “life”, although sometimes we are defeated by laziness, procrastination, pretence and fear. So “life” relates to the intelligence in using our left brain to reason words and our right brain to promote understanding via symbolic forms of pictures, experiences, rituals and stories. “Life” embodies the “intelligence” and dynamism to use language and symbolic pictograms to proclaim our identity, Purpose and potentiality across the Functional areas of our survival.
On the matter of “intelligence”, it is easy to observe that humans often do not remember what was said, but we remember how we felt because of what was said. Likewise, there is a “sense” or feeling of empowerment, enthusiasm and joy characterized by intelligence. This difference that we humans call “life” relates to experiencing and expressing a higher sense called “Purpose”. By design God has created and called us to a “life” of Purpose to fellowship with HIM and our neighbors. HE has designed our Purpose to embody Joy, Love, Faith, Hope, Passion and Excellence. Yet we often indulge in laziness, procrastination, pretence and fear which defeat our God given gift of “life”. The Joy of the Lord is our Strength! Our easy task is to make an unwavering commitment to God’s design and commandment to fellowship with HIM and our neighbors as the central Purpose of our lives. From this Purpose or unwavering commitment of Love by Grace, through Faith in Jesus we experience Joy, Love, Faith, Hope, Passion and Excellence across all the areas of life.
As expounded in the article called “Celebrating Life in Love, by Design” this dimension or art of living with God’s Purpose puts the wheels on Spiritual Intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence transforms our worldview through God’s encompassing vision to share both the “integrity” and consequences that holds the world, planets and universe on course. This encompassing vision transcends the boundaries of time to shape what matters in Eternity. Just imagine the universal catastrophe if this “integrity” was broken! God has called us to fellowship and share in running the “integrity” and consequences of the universe we call home. HIS Love, Joy and Righteousness shape the “integrity” that binds the universe in its place. Self-centeredness and Fear are the consequences of a broken integrity. Every act of Sin or transgression is an act ultimately towards our self destruction. Sin breaks a person’s share of integrity and survives like parasites on the “integrity” of others with a consequence of self destruction. While Love abounds on its own, Sin like a parasite exploits Love and will ultimately self destruct on its own. Let us submit to God’s Purpose and “integrity” with insatiable experiences of Joy across all the areas of life.
To emphasize carnal nature including “knowledge is power”, emotions, deeds of the flesh and material possessions is like living or “Functioning” without “Purpose”. As expounded above, suffering in the slums without Spiritual Intelligence represents our weakest form of existence! By design, animals do not experience Joy, Love, Faith and Hope but we humans do. Why then settle to live suffering with negated Joy, below the level of animals having zero Joy? Let us power our Joy on the wheels of “Purpose”.
In all our ways, Love The Lord with all our heart, soul and mind without leaning on our own carnal understanding. We cannot claim to Love God except in all our ways as HE commands. If there are Functional areas of our lives in which we are not experiencing Joy, Love, Faith, Hope, Passion and Excellence, Vim, Vigor and Vitality then these areas lack “Purpose”. Like parasites these Purposeless areas exploit the “integrity” of others with the consequences of stress, depression and hopelessness that precedes self destruction. God has designed us to live powerfully with “Purpose” in all our ways across all the Functional areas of our lives. “Life” on the wheels of “Purpose” is simple, straightforward and full of Joy!
We cannot expect success without the tools to evolve and overcome the inherent challenges in life, especially the deceptions and disabling side-effects of “knowledge is power”. The fear of change or mental slavery causes a lack of Spiritual Intelligence, which is a commitment to “Purpose” and Self Control through the Transformation of the mind. There is a design to life and a design to overcoming the challenges of life. Let us teach our people how to fish! Teach the fundamental structures that underpins life and “knowledge is power” and enable ourselves to “intelligently” evolve and overcome the challenges of life. What would it be worth to unleash a culture of creativity, innovation and productivity with inflamed joy and excellence? Let us enforce “Purpose” and Spiritual Intelligence across the functional areas of life for the wellbeing of each person, in each home, organization, community, city, and constituency all across our nations. A society of “Purpose” led individuals will transform our economies and countries with measures that surpass the logics of carnal understanding.
Like learning to “balance” in walking or riding a bicycle we begin this process simply by Loving the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind without leaning on our own carnal understanding. Then Love our Neighbors with our Agape powered heart, soul and mind. Now we can intelligently “sense” the needs of our neighbors and leverage “Purpose” to Joyfully create and innovate to meet their needs with excellence. It is obvious that our carnal methods have failed to deliver on their promises of using “satisfaction” to ensure the “survival of the fittest”. Let us take a paradigm shift and transform from carnal understanding to our innate design of “Purpose” and Spiritual Intelligence.
The Great Commandment to “Love The Lord and our Neighbors” is considered the most important of the commandments. This represents a kind of conceptual or intelligent optimization of the other commandments. Hence there is no need to directly assign “Purpose” to the other commandments individually since they are Virtually Resolved by this Great Commandment. Like the ability to ride a motorbike allows you to somewhat resolve the challenges of driving a motorcar and riding a bicycle. Hence the Great Commandment is a deduction, generalization and abstraction that provides a framework that structurally supports the Functioning of the other commandments. For example, our unwavering Love for The Lord and our Neighbors will automatically remove our need to steel, worship other gods, bare false witness and so forth. Also, there are other implied and unwritten commandments that are automatically fulfilled by assigning “Purpose” to the Great Commandment. This was proclaimed by Jesus in John 14:15 “If you Love me you will keep my commandments”. Also Matthew 6 proclaims that God provides for our carnal nature as HE does for the flowers and birds. So our “intelligence” should not be used for worrying about carnal nature but to facilitate communion and fellowship with God and our Neighbors.
The “intelligence” in the Great Commandment provides dynamism, elegance and ease to effortlessly meet the other commandments. To place emphasis on any other individual commandment will somewhat create work without “intelligence” which results in working hard but not working smart with Joy. Like the burden of struggling to keep the Law equates to working hard with hardly working results. The numerous uses of “intelligence” found in the Bible bears the call of God for us to embrace Joy through HIS Divine Intelligence. Our commitment to the Great Commandment will provide a living and personal training tool for each person to learn and perfect the use of “intelligence” across all the Functional areas of life. The genius in the “Purpose” of the Great Commandment calls into being the fire to act, dynamism to evolve, measurability to balance and faith to secure our goals. This “Purpose” calls into being the motivator Love that binds our steps and progressively transport us from beginning to ending of all our assignments in life. Wow! God has provided so much for us to effortlessly survive with Joy, Elegance, Passion and Excellence. Let us all Choose “Purpose” to Stop the Complaining and Live Abundantly!
This article on “Purpose” was written on “Purpose”. Now it is the evidence of an unseen “Purpose” and the substance of a Goal hoped for – by Grace through Faith in Love.
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of articles concerning The Business of “Life”:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
Governing the
Business of Life
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens