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VISION: Fitting Joy into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
Motivation: Relentlessly Pursuing Joy
Survivalism is Not the JOY of Life
Righteousness is the Access to Joy
“Bringing” Joy to the Game of Life
Give up the “Myths” in the Game
Myth: There is Joy in Carnal Nature
Myth: Fear Will Secure Your Goals
Myth: It is Right to Act on “Good Reasons”
Myth: There are Many “Choices” in Life
Myth: There are Many “Commandments”
Myth: You Can Change the World or People
Myth: Enslaved by the Clock or World Time
Righteousness Replaces ALL the Myths
Preparing to Play Your Move for JOY
Agape Love is the Only Play for JOY
The Pledge of Allegiance to JOY
A little Summary of Love and Fear
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
Inflaming the Real JOY
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
We often jumble or mix up the roles of how things are “Designed” to work; hence we are often in pursuit of a delusional “pie in the sky”. For example, the common use of Fear to secure Love or Joy is conflicting and impossible but is relentlessly pursued across our societies. This has far reaching effects in binding relationships and honoring commitments across every area of life including work, play, education, religion, family, love, leisure, etc. The resulting “failures” in productivity, marriages, relationships and resolving conflicts often stems from our socialization and common use of a few “myths”, for example “Good Reasons”. As discussed later in this article, taking a paradigm shift regarding these “myths” is critical to experiencing the Real Joy.
Behind every “Survival” decision there is an innate Spiritual pursuit of Joy. Realigning our “mindset” to explore our dreams and goals within the context of how Life is “Designed” to work is critical to resolving the challenges of Life and to effectively realize Real Joy. For example, by “Design”, Love or Joy can only be “secured” through the Fruit of the Spirit and Not Fear. Secular “education” demotes the idea of Faith. Yet we need Faith to effectively “secure” employment in order to use our education that did not support Faith. Wonder why we lack performance?
Spiritual Intelligence awakens our ability to consciously manage our innate pursuit of Joy within the confines of Righteousness. However odd it may seem, it is easy to observe that we are “Designed” to live within a context of Righteousness. Our life systems progressively begin to fail ultimately to the death when Unrighteousness becomes our norm. Aside from yourself check the testimonies of persons who are living Righteously and hear the stories of Joy, Healing and Miracles. The EVIDENCE is clearly out there! So we “can” commit to experiencing the Real Joy.
Is “Survivalism” the key to Life? Or is “Life” the key to Survival? It is a myth to think that the Fear of Survival holds the key to Life. A transformed mind or unwavering commitment to a Life of Love, Joy and Righteousness instills a “Purpose” which by design resolves our Survival needs.
We are “Designed” with “intelligence” to pursue JOY as the vision of our Life. Hence we will always rationalize and attempt to experience Joy regardless of the Survival events occurring in Carnal Nature. As depicted in the article “Celebrating Life in Love, by Design”, Joy is “Designed” at the Spiritual level and not in Carnal Nature. Yet, we often misconstrue Joy with the instinctual or emotional feelings of Carnal Nature. However, it becomes an epistemic defect to expect the world to react to us contrary to how it is “Designed” by God. Therefore it becomes a psychological defect to persistently pursue JOY in a manner contrary to how it is “Designed”. Carnal Nature is “addictive” or habitual so increasingly this defect will appear normal. Eventually it will be considered ok to be defective. Yes, do Not be Surprised of what may result from this psychological defect! Hence the need for a “Transformation of the Mind”!
“Righteousness” is the ONLY Access or gateway to Joy, as Joy is one virtue of the Fruit of the Spirit. Righteousness sanitizes the intellect or mind from unforgiveness, baggage and breakdowns that would otherwise render Joylessness and sometimes sadness. Righteousness gives Access to Creativity and opens the mind to Explore new possibilities and new ways to act with LOVE in overcoming the challenges of life. In addition to the intellect, Righteousness unleashes God’s Kingdom of Love Provisions to create Miracles and Healing for Human Survival.
Conversely, “Unrighteousness” blocks the mental access to creativity and therefore can only render an addictive instinctual reaction as a response to life’s challenges. Unrighteousness defects the intellect or mind with unforgiveness, baggage and breakdowns that ultimately render Joylessness. Also, Unrighteousness disconnects God’s Love Provisions for Human Life.
While “Survival” represents the actions and events in Carnal Nature, “Life” is like a game of stakeholder players, interacting and choosing strategies to produce an outcome or payoff. In essence Life is a play or interaction or exchange of “intelligence” among participants. Since we are “Designed” to use our “intelligence” to pursue JOY then we may consider the Game of Life as a Game of Joy, in which the exchange of “intelligence” among participants should produce Joy. However we cannot produce Joy on our own, hence we have to “Bring” the Joy of the Lord to the game as we interact and exchange “intelligence” with other participants. Joy is not possible without the other virtues, so we need to “Bring” the entire Fruit of the Spirit to the Game of Life. If we attempt to play contrary to design, without the Joy of the Lord then we are automatically transferred to the Game of Fear. When you choose Fear you give up your strategy or play of “intelligence” to produce an inversion of Joy otherwise called Joylessness. As indicated in the JOY Scale depicted in the article “Loving Joy in PURPOSE”, why settle to live suffering with negated Joy, below the level of animals having zero Joy? It is better to unleash Spiritual Intelligence with “Purpose” to inflame the Joy of the Lord.
A “Transformation of the Mind” requires giving up Carnal Understanding and embracing Spiritual Intelligence, as depicted in the article “Celebrating Life in Love, by Design”. This commitment instills a Purpose which goes through a lifecycle process of forming, storming, norming and fulfillment, as depicted in the article “A Life Plan for SUCCESS”. To give up Carnal Understanding requires giving up “Myths” that have us psychologically disabled with “faking”, pretence, laziness and procrastination. Though we are physically capable, we become mentally disempowered to creatively respond to overcome the challenges of life. We must give up the Fear of Survival and let “intelligence”, Faith, Hope and Love do all the “struggling” for Survivalism while we bring the JOY of the Lord to our relationships across the areas of Life. Actually, when we are righteously empowered to creatively respond, we have access to the “Design Space” of Human Survival. Jesus spoke to the storm and walked on water; this shows the “Design Space” through which the elements of Carnal Nature act on HIS commands.
Give up the Myth that “Knowledge is Power”. For example, reading the Bible is about acquiring “knowledge” about God. We may read books on science to acquire “knowledge” about the Laws of Nature. But as depicted in the article “Celebrating Life in Love, by Design”, not because you “know” something is right means that you will do it! Why then do we make mistakes? And why then do you have persons knowingly breaking the Law? Knowledge is NOT “Power”, but is merely the passive interpretations of how life occurs and is similar to the words or text messages in a phone. So knowledge by itself cannot make you do something or make a change in your life. But Fear or Love does, especially when you have a “Purpose” driven Life. It is scientifically proven that “words” are passively stored in the Left-side of the human brain. However our “experiences” are stored in the Right-side of the brain to actively create “understanding” and allow us to meaningfully relate to the world. So deaf persons cannot store “words” but effectively relate to the world via the “understanding” created via their experiences.
Ever wondered why secular “education” increasingly demotes the idea of Faith. Secular “education” is often driven by scientific interpretations of Carnal Nature. Like, rather than growing to become an adult caterpillar as proclaimed by the scientific process of evolution, the crawling caterpillar enters into transformation via a chemical soup called pupa or chrysalis and subsequently produces a new and different creature called a butterfly. So the process of Metamorphosis defies the evolutionist scientific “interpretations” of life. Yes, Science is based on interpreting nature in a measurable and quantifiable way by using Carnal Nature based instrumentation technologies. But Faith is only measurable via the human experience with God in a manner which cannot be expressed via Carnal Nature based instrumentation technologies. Therefore science becomes defunct in relation to Faith based measurements. Hence science cannot endorse Faith in secular education in case someone for example uses Healing and Miracles to show that the Laws of medicine, economics and politics are incomplete.
Give up the Myth of finding “Joy in Carnal Nature”. Carnal Nature including “knowledge is power”, materialism, survivalism, emotions or deeds of the flesh are all void of Joy. Love, Joy and Righteousness are “Designed”, created or made by God at the Spiritual Level as exemplified by the nine virtues of the Fruit of the Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Self Control. When these words are otherwise used outside a Spiritual sense then it is considered to be “toying” with words like a “fairy tale”. Like a toy is a fake of the real thing. Proverbs 13 declares that the “wealth” so claimed by the Sinner will automatically be used to service and benefit the Survival of the Righteous. So if Carnal Nature had Joy it would still go to the Righteous. Either way the Righteous will end up with Joy without the “Stress” of worrying, quarrelling, fighting and competing over the possessions of the Earth. So no need to Fear Survival since Righteousness automatically resolves our Survival needs. To “invent” your own Love or Joy is to reject God’s “design” to be your own “god”. Sin!
Give up the Myth of using “Fear”. Fear is the delusion that there is “integrity” in place and your goal is secured, as depicted in the article “Exposing the Myth of FEAR”. However in reality there is nothing but the exploitation of Love, “faking” with anxiety, a flip-flop hypocritical mindset, the depletion of your immune system, the clouding of your judgment, the psychological misuse of your imaginative capacity and disappointment with the grand prize called “Deception”. If you Fear something Not to Happen, chances are it Will Happen.
Genesis 4 declares that Fear or Sin will always lie at your door and it DESIRES you, but you should RULE over it, with the Fruit of the Spirit. Genesis 3 shows that the use of Fear repeats the mistake of Adam and Eve to worship or emphasize “Self” as more important than relying on God. The consequence of Fear is to live with sorrow, pain, stress and joylessness below the level of animals having zero joy. This consequence allows us to know that our body is operating contrary to its “Design” and begs for realignment in order to avoid premature termination.
Give up the Myth of “Good Reasons” for our choices, actions and habits. Our experiences in life automatically construct Proof Rules called “truths” or “Good Reasons” for living the way we do. Increasingly our choices, habits and addictions become pre-determined by these “Good Reasons” sometimes called baggage when packed with unforgiveness and fear. So anything may be called “Good Reasons” whether the context is righteous or unrighteous. “Good Reasons” will make us think that it is “possible” to use Fear to secure Love in our relationships. Fear (of Satan) is the opposite of Love or Faith (of God). How can we use Satan to secure God? By “Design”, only the Fruit of the Spirit can secure Love or Joy.
There is no need for a Court of Law to pass judgment based on the Degree of “Good Reasons” or reasonable doubt. The flaw with this myth is that an unrighteous action which is claimed to have “Good Reasons” (e.g. killing in so-called “self-defense”) is considered a “Righteous” action by the Court of Law. However, an unrighteous heart will eventually lead to self destruction and a righteous heart gives access to creativity and innovation. Matthew 7 declares that: Every good tree bears good fruit, and every bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. However bad trees are cut down and thrown into the fire. The failures of the “Goddess of Reason” kept the guillotine busy executing hundreds of civilians and lawmakers based on state designed “Good Reasons”. This period of the French Revolution 1789–1799 demonstrated that “Good Reasons” cannot effectively replace Righteousness.
Give up the Myth of “Choices”. Our so-called choices, habits and addictions are All Pre-determined by the myth of “Good Reasons” and baggage. There is only ONE CHOICE in every situation, either Righteousness or Unrighteousness. While Unrighteousness is disempowering and blocks access to creativity, Righteousness empowers access to creatively resolve the challenges of life. Within the Choice of Righteousness or Unrighteousness there maybe other components or options to select but these options are all of the same Root Context. Therefore we cannot make a Choice of Righteousness to produce a result or options of Unrighteousness. Neither can we make a Choice of Unrighteousness to produce a result or options of Righteousness. Proverbs 14: Righteousness exalts a nation to prosper in God’s Design for Life.
Give up the Myth that there are Many Commandments, only One Great Commandment of Love. Before God gave Moses the commandments, people including Moses were required to Love God with all their heart, mind and soul. God has Not Changed! The commandments were given in order to “explain” to man like Sinners what the Great Commandment of “Total Love for God” will do when it is attained. Like the other eight virtues of the Fruit of the Spirit “explain” what is compacted in the first virtue of Love. Like all the other stories of the Bible prophecy or “explain” the story of Jesus, who said HE was here to fulfill in action all the prophecies or “explanations” of the other stories. Yes, beyond our Carnal Understanding, the miracle of the Total Love for God is articulated via the “explanation” virtues and commandments. So by “Design”, Love creates Joy, Peace, etc. but Joy, Peace, etc. cannot be used to create Love.
In Matthew 22 Jesus shows that if we emphasize living via the “explanation” commandments then we lack the Total Love for God which the other commandments are trying to “explain”. Like keeping the “Sabbath” on Saturday or Sunday will not make you attain Total Love for God. The “Sabbath” merely explains that Total Love for God gives our once restless and “broken” Spirit an eternal place of refuge and “rest” in God’s Kingdom of Love Provisions, Promises and Gifts for Human Life. The same “act of Sex” is wrong for the unmarried (like a Sin), but good for the married (like a Righteous act). Similarly, in Moses Laws: “Camel Skin” was unclean for man like a Sin, but made clean for clothing John the Baptists as God directs. The “act of Killing” was wrong for man like a Sin but made ok for King David as God directs, except when King David Killed Uriah the husband of Bathsheba which God did NOT direct. Moses Laws “explain” that man like Sinners live “lawless” as their own “god” detached from the Kingdom of God. However Moses Laws are resolved for the Righteous man as the Holy Spirit directs the Heart. Is God directing your Heart, Mind and Soul in ALL your ways? You may live like your own “god” via Carnal Understanding, but do not expect the world to react to you contrary to God’s “Design”.
Which side of the Gospel are you on? Is it the “million” moral Laws to help man like Sinners understand our Carnal “god” of Survivalism and relentless misrepresentation of Carnal Nature? OR Is it the one Great Commandment of Love for the Righteous which is dynamically quickened by the Holy Spirit to resolve Survival needs and provide a secure refuge and heaven of Spiritual “rest”? So, if you live in a country where there is no Bible or it is illegal, then you will realize that the Great Commandment of Love provides all you need. The Holy Spirit actively teaches your heart or conscience how to resolve challenges in life for which there are no “explanation” commandments in the Bible. The “explanations” are like giving seven colors of the rainbow to create understandability after which maturity promotes the discovery of a multiplicity of colors.
Like several churches, to emphasize any of the “explanation” commandments means that you are into “Doctrine” or “knowledge is power” and lack the Total Love for God. The use of “Doctrine” or “knowledge is power” or “explanations” is like using the Law to achieve and maintain Righteousness which is contrary to God’s “Design”. Colossians 2 shows that “Doctrines” are often like “Good Reasons” to sidetrack the Perfect Love of God. Like Sinners, if we fail to attain Total Love for God then we may use the “Doctrine” or “explanations” as moral guidelines for our “Self” made worldview in which we rule like a “god”. However, we will soon run out of “explanations” to fit or resolve every challenge of life. Eventually we will resort to the myth of “Good Reasons” like scientific research to justify our misrepresentations of carnal nature. Nevertheless, it is good to know the “explanations” to help describe your personal experience and testimony of Total Love for God. Therefore, by “Design” there is only ONE CHOICE of Righteousness (Not Unrighteousness) and ONE Great Commandment of Love (Not Fear, the ONE Sin). Above all, INDIVIDUALS must maintain “Total Love for God” like Daniel, Job and Jesus via DAILY submission or repentance, fasting, prayer and praises to God (e.g. for at least one hour daily). Love your Neighbors as yourself a “Human” and not as a “god” or as God. Like learning to “balance”, you will increasingly sense the Holy Spirit in your HEART (context or spirit), MIND (thoughts and imagination) and SOUL (powering the body actions). SANITIZING your mind and body of baggage, breakdowns, illnesses, etc. and giving CREATIVE SOLUTIONS of new possibilities and ways to act with “God is LOVE” in overcoming the challenges of life.
Give up the Myth of “Controlling or Changing the World” and “Controlling or Changing People”. It is easy to observe that we cannot control the changing circumstances or challenges of life. We can only Control our Response and react to Be the Change we want to see. Each capable person has to make their own decision to change themselves. Jesus did not go to every neighborhood and declared healing on all the sick. HE showed respect for CHOICE. Jesus used HIS power to deemphasize material possessions and emphasize “Faith and Righteousness” for INDIVIDUALS to make the CHOICE of making their body wholesome and transform their context or mindset to Love, Creativity and Joy as exemplified by the Fruit of the Spirit.
Each person’s life automatically becomes an inspiration to the other through their relationships and bonding. Rather than trying to Control or Change the world Jesus became the Change HE wanted to see when HE Died on the cross and triumphantly Rose to secure Salvation.
Give up the Myth of being “Enslaved by the Clock or World Time”. Like the love of money, the love of the Clock or World Time has influenced our socialization to somewhat move Time from being our “servant” to become our slave “master”. Our emphasis on Time often creates struggles and breakdowns in our commitments and acceptance of the path and pace of reality. Like the “Sabbath”, man was not made for Time but Time was made for man. Genesis 1 declares that the cycle of day (morning) to night (evening) is made to indicate “signs” and seasons, days and years. Job 26 declares that the divider (or separator) between day and night is not linear (or a straight line) like the Clock or World Time. The divider between day and night is circular and is determined by the lights in the heavens like the sun, moon, and stars. So every day/night cycle has different time lengths or durations. Therefore today has a different time length from yesterday, and tomorrow will have a different time length from today.
Ecclesiastes 3 declares that every Purpose or thing has an “appointed” time to commence, a “seasonal” time or duration to last and an “appropriate” time for its embodied sequence of events or activities to occur. God has hidden from man the knowledge of when exactly a Purpose starts (the beginning) and when exactly a Purpose ends (the ending). God is not bounded by time and is also called the Alpha (the beginning) and Omega (the ending). Every Purpose, goal, project, task or thing that exists has its own individual time measurements. So, there is no global Clock or World Time measurement for any specific type of Purpose or thing.
So our Clock or World Times are merely APPROXIMATIONS of times embodied by each day/night cycle and the start/end of each Purpose. So birthdays and anniversaries are all approximations and myths in reality. Give up the myth of being “Enslaved by the Clock or World Time” and embrace “approximations” in our communication, expectations and planning as we are not in control of the Time measurements in reality. We must remain committed and WORK with the EXCELLENCE that SHARES “God is Love” without being attached or enslaved by fear and anxiety, or laziness and procrastination with respect to Time. Also, we may embrace communication and collaboration with our neighbors about the Time elapsed and Time approximations throughout the forming, storming and norming stages of every Purpose.
There may be other unnamed “Myths” that need to be given up, however the general approach to all myths is to remain Righteous to access creativity and unleash God’s Kingdom of Love Provision for Human Life. This is only possible if in all our ways, we Love The Lord with all our heart, soul and mind without leaning on our own carnal understanding. Therefore we can only claim Righteousness when we are committed in all our ways as God commands. We must embrace the Lifecycle of Teams and Changes in every situation, challenge, mission, relationship or area of life to which a “Purpose” is assigned. Yes, we must not quit or give up during the stage of “Storming”. Though we need to remain true to our commitments, there is No need for anxiety in Life as our primary “Purpose” is to share the Joy of the Lord with our neighbors.
The Bible effectively articulates the resolution for JOY: Romans 8 declares that ALL things work together for GOOD, to those who Love God and are called according to HIS “Purpose”. Yes, this speaks to all the events in Carnal Nature that occur throughout an individual’s Human lifecycle of birth, growth, maturity and death. Whether pain, sickness or health, poverty or wealth we should Love it ALL and not use the events in Life to contaminate our minds with Unrighteousness. So it makes no sense assigning negative thoughts or words about our experiences in life, since whatever actions or events occurs are all converted to Good for the Righteous person.
At no point we should think that God does not Love us. Romans 8 declares the assurance that nothing can separate us from the Love of God: whether tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword; neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing. Therefore we can release ALL our Fears and exercise Total and Complete LOVE for GOD and Love EVERYTHING about our God SECURED Life.
Psalm 24 and 89 declares that the heavens and earth is the Lord’s, and all their fullness, the world and who dwell therein. So there is no need to stockpile or emphasize money, wealth, “knowledge is power”, accolades, credibility points or anything in Carnal Nature. As depicted in the article “Enslaved by Imaginary Money”, our temporary life on planet earth does not afford us the facility to bring any possessions at birth, or own anything while alive, or take away anything on departure. We are mere servants or temporary stewards, custodians and guardians of the earth. The transformation to Spiritual Intelligence places an unwavering commitment on the CREATOR and Not the Creation.
Essentially, in the Game of Life we are temporary stewards of the earth, exchanging “intelligence” and unleashing God’s Love Provisions among all players for the Shared Joy of Fellowship and Communion. The Spiritual Vision pursued by a Transformed Life is to BRING and SHARE Joy and the Fruit of the Spirit with all our neighbors and in all our relationships across all the areas of life. Agape Love is selfless, self-sacrificing, servant-centered and righteous. Therefore we must emphasize to selflessly “Bring” Joy without expecting to selfishly “Extract” Joy. We cannot control or change the world or the people within so we must “righteously” act to become the change of JOY we want to see. JOY is one business in which it pays to be an absolute spendthrift! Shake and empty all your pockets; give it all away, throw and splash it all over; and tomorrow God will provide more than ever. The Game of Life is simple and full of Joy!
1) I will Live Powerfully for what matters in Eternity!
2) In all my ways, I will Love the Lord with all my Heart without leaning on my emotions, good reasons, myths and carnal understanding.
3) I will unwaveringly pursue a Spiritual Vision to selflessly Bring and Share Joy and the Fruit of the Spirit with all my Neighbors.
4) I will embrace the Lifecycle of Teams and Changes in all my “Purposes”.
5) Though Fear or Sin Desires me I will Rule over it via Self Control and the Fruit of the Spirit.
6) Nothing can separate me from the Love of God.
7) All things that Happen to Me are for Good.
8) I will choose to Righteously act and creatively resolve the challenges of life.
9) I will let “intelligence”, Faith, Hope and Love do all the “struggling” for Survivalism while I live with passion, ease and grace.
10) I cannot Control or Change the World or People, therefore I will take action to Be the Change of Real JOY I want to see.
With Spiritual Intelligence I have placed my unwavering “commitment” on the Creator and not the creation. It matters not what others do to me since it is always converted for my good. This affords me to progressively experience the payoff for being selfless, self-sacrificing, servant-centered and righteous. I live, move and have my being in the “Design Space” or framework of the Creator of Life. My Loving “Purpose” has designed me a framework of “rest” in which I now function, survive and carry my Life that was once restless and “broken” with Fear and lacks Joy.
This “light weight” Formula or Strategy of Spiritual Intelligence provides the flexibility to mass produce, hibernate and adapt all at once.
In one dimension it is like using a little red, green and blue to form all the multiplicity of colors in the rainbow. Like Loving God and my Neighbors automatically enforce all the other commandments of the Bible and resolves me trying to remember a million Laws.
In another dimension it “hibernates” me like a caterpillar melting into a chemical soup and then “regenerates” me into a wonderful and diversified creation, like a butterfly. I no longer crawl and struggle with “Fear” like a caterpillar. I now use my wings of Faith to share my “Life” of Joy.
I am living the Formula of “how to fish” versus waiting on someone to give me a fish. It is like “LESS” is More versatile and Size does not matter. It is not about “knowledge is power” like King Solomon’s 3000 proverbs or “accolades” like his 1000 women of royal descent. It is not about the carnal “glamour” of turning stone into bread. I now live by the humility of a sheep and with the serving heart of a shepherd.
I now organize all the functional areas and events of my life around my Spiritual Vision of Sharing the Joy of the Lord, as opposed to trying to fit my Vision of Joy into the functional areas and events of Life. So now I live the Fruit of the Spirit in honoring all my commitments in life.
My Food is now the Joy of “Praising” God and sharing the Fruit of the Spirit with my Neighbors.
Is “God is LOVE” directing your HEART (context or spirit), MIND (thoughts or imagination) and SOUL (powering your physical actions) in ALL your ways via the Great Commandment of LOVE?
Is your “Life” directed by the “FEAR of Survival” like being driven by instincts, the pain of hunger, the desires of your body senses, or the emotional filling of your belly?
We are “Designed” with INTELLIGENCE to pursue JOY which is “Designed” in the Spiritual realm as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. Strangely, Righteousness is the only “key” to access Joy. Yes, by “Design” LOVE is the only means of experiencing Joy or the virtues of the Fruit of the Spirit. When we act contrary to “Design” we lose connection with Spiritual Intelligence and resort to Carnal Instincts looking for Joy in Carnal Nature via the FEAR of the “Survival of the Fittest”. Then, in our disobedient position as “god”, we get twisted wondering why the world does not react according to our imagination, and contrary to how it is “Designed” by God.
When we CHOOSE FEAR then the bumps in the road of life represents an immense “struggle” because we are crawling like a caterpillar reacting and racing for the “Survival of the Fittest”. We are disconnected from God without any moral guidelines, rules or standards to manage our kingdom of “Self” in which we claim to be a “god” while we are deceptively directed by FEAR. We are driven by emotions, selfishness and greed with the reward of Sorrow, Joylessness and the grand prize called “Deception” ultimately pursing Self Destruction. Hence we need the Law to “explain" that we are lawless, broken, restless and in need of a place of refuge and “rest”.
When we CHOOSE LOVE we resolve our Survival needs and Fears via Spiritual Intelligence. The bumps in the road of life become “good” for perfecting “balancing” via our wings of Faith. We are rewarded with exceeding Joy and Peace. We live, move and have our being in the “Design Space” of the Creator and in HIS Kingdom of Love Provisions, Promises, Gifts and Grace for Human Life. When we “Bring” LOVE we affirm God’s protection and control in any situation. So this affords us to SELFLESSLY help others to “Rule over Fear” and join us to Celebrate in LOVE.
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of articles concerning The Business of “Life”:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
Governing the
Business of Life
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens